Due to its cultural and historical development, Europe is an area rich in culture of different nations.The rich cultural footprint that national minorities have left and are still leaving in the nations and surrounding countries is best seen throughout history.Czechs and Slovaks are amongst the most numerous representatives of minorities in Croatia, as evidenced by Croatian history and culture, enriched by their tradition and way of life, in the project “Equality in diversity of national minorities” we will follow the traces left by the Czech, Slovak and Croatian minorities throughout Europe. To this end, when looking for a partner in this project, it was extremely important to bring together schools from the countries of these nations, as well as schools that have a regional history in their teachings. The project leader is the Czech primary school Josipa Ružičke from Croatia.The partners in the project are Primary school Ružomberok-Klačno from Slovakia and Primary school Valašské Meziříčí from the Czech Republic.Each of the activities of this project will be implemented through three five-day meetings of 36 students and 15 teachers of partner schools and one four-day meeting of 9 teachers.All participants will, through the implementation of C1, C2, C3, and C4 activities, achieve the basic objectives of the project: 1. New knowledges for 36 students, 15 teachers and other indirect participants about a certain period of European history as a lasting sustainable added value for learning and education; 2.Mapping the diversity of people, their similarities and the influence of minorities of the Czech, Slovak and Croatian cultural backgrounds; 3. Meeting and cooperation of 36 students from different cultural and historical backgrounds; 4. Increasing intercultural awareness of 36 students and better understanding and responding to social, linguistic and cultural diversity; 5. Willingness to incorporate good practice and new methods into the daily activities of partners; 6. Enhanced cooperation between the Croatian, Slovak and Czech minorities; 7. Improving the competencies of 36 students by developing video materials, publications, quizzes and using modern ICT; 8. Improving the teaching and learning of minority languages in partner countries and promoting broad linguistic diversity for 36 students. Activity C1 (CZ)-will be held through workshops for teachers on the basics of video recording, creation of publications and posters, introduction and use of eTwinning and development of educational content in IT tools. The aim of this activity is to train teachers with the aforementioned skills and to enable them to pass on the acquired knowledge to students who will be collecting materials for making videos, posters, publications and educational content throughout the project. Activity C2 (RH)-Using ICT, educational materials will be produced about the Czech and Slovak minorities, their celebrities and present the cultural contribution of the Czech and Slovak minorities in the Republic of Croatia. Activity C3 (SK)-posters and publications will be produced about the Czech and Croatian minorities, their celebrities and present the cultural contribution of the Czech and Croatian minorities in Slovakia. Activity C4 (CZ)-Video films will be made about minorities participating in the project, their celebrities and presenting the cultural contribution of the Croatian and Slovak minorities in the Czech Republic.While acquainting with the traditions and culture of minorities, most attention would be paid to celebrities belonging to those minorities who are known in history and who are known by those same minorities. All materials produced at the end of the project will be presented at conferences held at each partner school and at a joint final conference in Prague.The results of the project are mutual enrichment and learning, sharing good practice examples and building relationships that will lead to improving the quality of life of participants in the future. By creating project materials, the level of knowledge of the mother tongue will be maintained better. Digital competencies will be developed through the use of communication platforms (eTwinning, viber, skype), videos, quizzes and publication processing, and a web site will be created where all the materials produced in project will be available in all three languages. 15 teachers will exchange experiences in the use of didactic procedures, thus improving their teaching skills.Meeting the goals will lead to an increase in the social competences of all participants thanks to the joint collaboration of teams. Upon completion of the project, all participants will acquire key project management competencies.The knowledge, experience and materials that will be the product of this project will be used for future purposes while teaching the mother tongue, history and geography in all partner schools and it will be an excellent example of good practices for similar projects.